Mediate your accommodation through us!

Mountain Lodge conveys modern private mountain villas, cabins and apartments in Stöten. Do you want to let more people use your accommodation when you cannot be there yourself? We offer full service before, during and after the stay to your guests.

Via our owner website, you book your own stays before we start marketing and renting out your accommodation.

In order for us to be able to rent out your accommodation, you must meet our criteria for renting out. Broadly speaking, this means that the accommodation must be adapted for rental and live up to the guests' standard expectations.

If you want to know more about what it means to let your accommodation through us, get in touch

Therése Hedén via e-post: or call 070-878 68 55 during office hours.

Just nu planerar vi för att släppa ut vintersäsongen 2024-2025 så kontakta oss snarast om ni vill bli kunder för kommande vinter så att ni inte missar att vara med från start!

Let us take care of your rental during the winter season!

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